Staying in

It is FREEZING outside!! Got in about 10 minutes ago and I am only just starting to be able to feel my toes. 

Went to two house viewings today, one which I liked and one which I didn't. The first one was in a lovely flat with two guys and a girl and I felt that I could really like living there, however my competitors who were viewing it at the same time were pretty good at advertising themsevles (or in one case, their cousin), so I'm not sure I'll get it. The second flat was more like a corridor with stainy carpets and a dirty kitchen filled to the brim with empty beer bottles. 8 pepople live there, it felt like a hostel. The flat search continues.

Thought I'd show you some pictures of what life as a vegan is like foodwise. At the minute I am enjoying my all time favourtie sweet: Ritter Sport Marzipan -mmm! But this is some of what I ate yesterday:

For lunch: fried basil tofu and red peppers with boiled red lentils to go with my antibiotics.

For dinner: vegan pasta carbonara!

And now, on this lovely yet super cold Saturday night in Berlin I am going to get into my PJs, finish off a couple of articles and enjoy a smoothie or two whilst my housmates face the bitter cold on their way to different clubs and parties. Somehow I feel like I have made just the right decision!

Postat av: Elin [ n e v n a r i e n ]

haha nej det är någon sonata arcica-låt :P

2009-01-11 @ 12:34:37

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