Just to clarify..

This is not what my new top looks like...

Jessica Simpson, what a fashion guru... (is she barefoot??)

Leopard print shopping, baking and The Hills

Today was a good day.

I found out that I have one less exam than I though I did (score!) and even went for a quick shopping trip to Alexa. Had told myself only to look in cheap stores as I have no money in the world til April or so... wanted to get a dress for my friends 21st birthday party tomorrow but couldnt find anything. Realised once more how urgently I need to lose weight. Shit. Anyways, I bought a red lepoard print top and some socks at H&M, will have to do with what I have at home for the party, again. (Btw: I want these shoes but they have sold out, boohoo!) Have seriously not been shopping for I don't know how long and with most of my wardrobe being at home in Sweden and with what I have here being too small for me, it's pretty depressing.

Less depressing is that my journo projects are going well. Getting more and more nervous for my interview with The Haunted later in February but have also been scoring some more interviews and little jobs. Just finished an interview with Marionette which is up and running in Swedish metal online magazine Critical Mass, check it out and leave a comment if you wish :)

Oh yeah and we also baked lussebullar today, can't tell you why just yet.. :P

Still addicted to The Hills. Need to get sleep now as I am going to the doctors tomrrow morning before picking an old uni friend up and then PARTEY :D

Skinny bitches from The Hills

Lazy bitch

I overslept this morning. Of course I overslept! I had promised myself to start a new life by walking to uni (takes about an hour and a half), now I'll have to put off my new start til tomorrow. I'll go for a walk or to the gym today too but still, I am a bit disappointed in myself. Darn MTV and their endless amounts of brain numbing series. Fucking fabulous.

So last weekend my mum came to visit and although I had to do a lot of uniwork whilst she was here it was so great to see her. She came out for my dancing class at Clärchens Ballhaus too even though she didnt have a dance partner, bless her! Speaking of partners though, me and my usual dancing friend Abi got split up again. Last time that happened we got to grumpy and rude German men but this time I hit the jackpot! I got to dance with a supercute GUARDIAN journalist who was writing about the place! Gutted I didn't come up with the idea of writing about it myself but oh well, it was a fun evening.

Upstairs at Clärchens
Upstairs at Clärchen's

Saturday my flatmate had her leaving-do before going back to Sweden on the Sunday. We had a few drinks at ours and then hit White Trash, a really cool club not too far from us. It was an indie club, which I normally hate, but they actually mixed it all up with some fun to dance to R'n'B and rock too so it was cool. However me and my mate Will lost the rest of the people when we went to cash in our bottles and left as we thought they had done that too (it was half 4...). That however turned out to be just a bit unappreciated...  but I think I'm forgiven now.

The sun is shining in Berlin and I almost there is almost a bit of spring in the air. So after I have finished with some uni work I think I'll go for that walk after all. Just need to make sure that I don't pass by any stores as I have less than no money in the world. I hate the Swedish student loan company.

A poem of downs and ups

Waking up this morning it was quarter to seven
outside so dark, it was far from heaven.
The cold so grim, I was more than grumpy,
and then my grey porridge even went lumpy.
Late as ever I legged it to the tram,
into the sweat-mass of people I had to cram.
Coin after coin wouldnt fit that fucker of a ticket machine,
with my fogged up glasses it may be the saddest thing you've ever seen.
A soy latte to go made my soul feel somewhat warm,
but in the seminar I many suicide plans silently did form.
Sitting trough the lecture upon that was like dying for an age,
doing it with period pain was suffering taken to a whole new stage.

Lunch time and the sun was smiling,
the unipeople gave me a bus ticket without lots of paper filing.
My mother called me out of the blue,
said cheer up daughter, I'm coming to visit you!
I took a now free ride home, had a Brezel on the way,
and then my heart bounced as I saw what the email in my inbox had to say:
An interview. With The Haunted. Has for you. Been booked.
I thought I was dreaming. Til my noodles overcooked.
Happy and proud, on life I was high,
Bouncing on (dust) clouds, even cleaning was fun
Went for a walk and a  friend  I swung by,
We went for coffee and a stroll in the sun.

Back at the flat I did have to study,
but it was OK cause I on msn spoke to a dear old buddy.
He, who is normally negativism in a nutshell,
said he had changed and today he was actually feeling well.
What a difference a day makes, someone once sang,
and you know what, I may have to sign up to his fanclub gang.

Staying in

It is FREEZING outside!! Got in about 10 minutes ago and I am only just starting to be able to feel my toes. 

Went to two house viewings today, one which I liked and one which I didn't. The first one was in a lovely flat with two guys and a girl and I felt that I could really like living there, however my competitors who were viewing it at the same time were pretty good at advertising themsevles (or in one case, their cousin), so I'm not sure I'll get it. The second flat was more like a corridor with stainy carpets and a dirty kitchen filled to the brim with empty beer bottles. 8 pepople live there, it felt like a hostel. The flat search continues.

Thought I'd show you some pictures of what life as a vegan is like foodwise. At the minute I am enjoying my all time favourtie sweet: Ritter Sport Marzipan -mmm! But this is some of what I ate yesterday:

For lunch: fried basil tofu and red peppers with boiled red lentils to go with my antibiotics.

For dinner: vegan pasta carbonara!

And now, on this lovely yet super cold Saturday night in Berlin I am going to get into my PJs, finish off a couple of articles and enjoy a smoothie or two whilst my housmates face the bitter cold on their way to different clubs and parties. Somehow I feel like I have made just the right decision!

A perfect day (minus the cold)

Apart from a quick trip to the local Kaiser's for food supplies and to the videoshop for late night entertainment today was spent inside our cosy flat working on different musicrelated texts - just the way it should be. 

Got an interview done, booked, prepared and made plans for future ones, sorted another workrelated email address out, did some research and discovered two new bands. (Allow me to introduce The Great Escape, a band whose guitarist I have known for a long time and who it turns out has used a producer I have worked with too, but in a very different context. How small the world is sometimes.)

Also I learnt that my best friend from back at uni has had her first article published in a national newpaper in the UK. I am impressed, proud and jealous. Well done K!

Finally me and Maria made vegan pancakes and watched The Illusionist. All in all a good day.

I fear tomorrow is going to be less of a fun day. Am planning on getting up early and making my way to the local hospital so that the doctor can give me something to cure my chest pain and terrible cough. Last time I was there I sat in the waiting hall the entire day. Then my dear M kept me company, tomorrow it's going to be uniwork that does. And then I should probably still go to my seminar 4 - 8 pm. Fun times.

On Saturday I have a flat viewing sorted, exciting! Seeing as my flatmates move back to Sweden in a week respectively at the end of February I need to find somewhere new to live and this 8 people WG sounded pretty cool. Wish me luck!

Illness, Veganism and Sober addiction

This is what the streets of Berlin looked like on the 1st of January 2009. People here sure know how to party.

A grey start. Having my sister visit over NYE was amazing and I now miss her like crazy. Since she left 2009 has been filled with illness and uniwork. .
Germany has turned into Winterwonderland where you never know under which bit of snow that you tread on more dog poo will appear. My cold which I've had since before Christmas has turned into a chest infection and I am at home instead of out with friends drinking wine. Around me everywhere people seem to be in a kind of grey mood. Even 65daysofstatic's latest update was rather depressing. Gotta love their alternative approach to press releases though:

So far I have kept to my New Years resolution: veganism. It's going really well actually! After having watched a few videos on youtube I feel motivated like never before. I don't need for any living being to sit in a cage all it's life for me.

Also, I have gotten myself a major crush on this one, can't stop playing it..possibly due to the video..gah!

And on the note of having started up this blog again which will be kept more updated this year, trust me, I shall now return to band interviewing and more msn conversation with T. Happy New Year everyone!

A new start

A fall in Berlin later, I am sitting in my old childhood room in Stockholm. Watching the frost disappear outside my window I type these words about the last days of 2008.
Christmas was good. Spent the last weekend in Berlin going to concerts, getting drunk and hanging out with different levels of emotional attachment. It felt good to leave.
Being welcomed home by open arms at 1 am after a long days journey was beautiful.
The 23d was a day of reunions and goodbyes. Seeing my old group of friends for games and goodbyes was great and I wish Jelena all the best of luck on her travels in Australia.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was filled with food, family and our favourite tradition: the present rhymes. Poems which are read out loud as presents are handed over and which give a hint at what is in your parcel.
Here are some of the rhymes which made this years present opening ceremony. Sorry about the Swedish and do feel free to guess at what I was giving away:

Brott, tyst vittne och midsomermord,
för far gäller spänning med andra ord.
Mediaproduktioner som ger kalla kårar,
väljs framför Hugh Grant-framkallade hjärtskärande tårar.
Bland svenska serier är det Beck som lyser,
men störst vördnad far för import-krimis hyser.
Och med Danmarks framgångar på senare år,
England och Barnabys kungatitelöverlämnande jag spår.
Men när serier späckade med DNA-provs-nyheter,
med övervägande dominans fyller din eter,
kan en nostalgitripp vara skönt,
kan jag mig tänka.
Och du behöver inte som du var dig "gewöhnt",
vänta till söndagkväll med att dig framför burken bänka!

Bland barr och stenar, bär och mossa,
kan mången elak sanning ruva.
Det otäckt dolda kan upp blossa,
när det plötsligen trampas på fel tuva.
För i skogens mörker sig mycket döljer,
mer om detta i klappen följer.
En klapp som förhoppningsvis tillvaron spänning kan skänka,
utan att du för den skull hela natten på gruvligheter behöver tänka.

Skaparna av klappen är både gamla, grå och kortbyxeklädda,
och över hela världen tusentals gånger sedda.
Och då de är rätt kända,
kan det ju trots det nyliga släppet hända,
att du denna platta, runda, gåva redan har
men i så fall finns det nog både en eller två som den gärna över tar.
En hård klapp för en hård jul.
Dra upp volymen så vandrar man ur både hus och skjul.
och ett par hemmakryddade snapsar senare sjunger även en juldagskväll,
varenda nisse, granne, kotte och kisse om sin highway to hell.

Vad gör man utan denna gudagåva?
Utan någon sort av den kan jag knappast äta, leva, sova.
I vilken form den intas beror helt på smak och preferenser.
Den här utformningen diggas av människor över hela jorden.
För användningstillfällen finns det inga gränser:
Bruka klappen när du vill ackompanjera tillvaron med just dessa orden.
Ord som viktiga budskap förmedlar,
om att det finns mer här i livet än pengasedlar.
En dam med skinn på näsan och karaktär,
hålls för sin röst av många kär.
Förkroppsligar gör hon kärlek, glädje, liv och respekt,
precis som du mormor kära.
Just därför är väl klappen för dig rätt perfekt?
Att njuta av vart livet än må bära.

Inga klappar, det var så vi sa.
Istället hoppas vi på att vi en fantastisk tid i Berlin ska ha.
Shopping, party och guidad tur,
det blir knappast mången tupplur.
Nyårsnatten firar vi i Kulturfabriken,
ett ställe som inte lämnar den danssugne besviken.
Bersöket ditt har det setts fram emot längre än du tror,
och nästa år får vi kanske sällskap av en bror?
Med önskan om en god jul och ett gått nytt år,
du denna lilla gåva får!

Gnocchi, pommes, gratäng och mos,
av den jordiga knölen görs mer än vad kanske tros.
Men här är det tvärtom - vilken röta!
De här potäterna tycker du nog om - de är söta!

En gammal gubbe som förfinat konsten att charma,
gör nog fortfarande många damers kinder varma.
Med sin smörsångsdoftande rock n roll,
smälter han hjärtan på alla håll.
Av hans höga ålder syns inga spår,
men det är klart, med botoxbehandlingar är mycket möjligt.
Och sammetsstämman är ju fortfarande den riktiga,
vilket ju är det viktiga.
Men att han släppt ny platta,
var det inte många i Berlin som fatta'.
I ingen butik fanns den att finna,
och att Internetleverans beställa skulle jag inte hinna.
Som tur är räddar dagens tekniska medel dagen,
Itunes stavas nedladdning utan att bryta mot Ipred-lagen.
Visade sig att gubben hade mycket att ge,
och allt fick inte plats på en CD.
Alltså får du tre,
hoppas att de många mysiga stunder kan ge!

Smask, slurp, crunch och mums,
är lika med paketets innehåll borta i ett bums!

Barndomens absoluta favoritkaramell,
försvinner snabbare än ett varv i oktoberfestkarusell!

Att glömma tid, rum och plats,
gör man lätt på steup-SATS.
När musiken pumpar och svetten stänker,
är det inte ofta man på annat tänker.
Samma gäller fängslande literatur,
ett djupdyk diti, och man ser sällan på sitt ur.
Här en story om vilken jag enbart hört gott,
kan bara hoppas att du den inte tidigare fått.
Du får sedan berätta om den är nåt att digga,
så kan jag kanske låna den när vi i sommar på stranden ska ligga?
Med önskan om en trevlig stund innan du ska sova,
skänker jag dig denna ordfyllda gåva.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you from me!

My face hurts

I got a piercing today, a stud under the middle of my lip.
The guy who did it was a massive rastafari dude with piercings and scarifications all over his face but he was really nice and calm so it was ok. It hurt but was over fairly quickly. My dear friend Lotta came into the acutal room with me, poor thing looked like she was gonna faint any minute!
The hottie from the reception came to have a look too, just as I was most nervous sitting in that torture chair. I tried to smile but I somehow doubt that the massive tool clung to my lips made me look very attractive at the time..darn! I managed to tell the piercing-guy I was single though when he said I should tell my boyfriend I coulndt kiss for a few days, hopefully he'll pass he message on ^^

Before getting the piercing done we went to sign up for gym classes. Then went shopping around Hackesher Markt, I almost bought a pair of black Carhartt jeans but stopped myself last minute. Had a look in Miss Sixty (which had no sale despite it having gone into liquidation), American Apparel, Converse, Adidas, We/Superlative Conspiracey, Paul Frank and some other cool but expensice places. Ended up buying a belt and a top from Made in Berlin. Came to the conclusion that I really need to lose some weight though. As in seriously, I do. It's not a good sign when you tell your friend this and they just look at you with pity and then give you a hug.

I'd like to look at this day as the day my new life began. Hm. New piercing, new diet, new (well, an existing one at least!)  workoutplan, new Bella. Let's see how long it lasts....

Oh and..

...it wasn't Veckorevyn, sorry Rhian! You may want to check out a Swedish languagerelated magazine instead... am off to get the best coffee in Berlin now, puss!

Berlin Chapter 1

Ok so it's been a while since I updated this space...sorry about that...

I have now made it to Berlin where I will be studying at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin until July 2009. I'm currently staying in a flat in Friedrichshain but am moving into another one in Prenzlauer Berg with two of my best friends from Sweden in two weeks.

So far Berlin has proven to be pretty cool. Full of relaxed people, beer, music, punks and dogs. Great. Well apart from the fact that it's smelly (mainly kebab), the music is electro/indie-orientated, there is glass all over the streets, the punks always yell at you for not giving them money and the dogs leave a hell of a lot of poo everywhere.

No, seriously, I like it. (The falafel and haloumi takeaways are defo a big plus lol)

I am blending in quite well I think: I considering becoming a vegan and am getting my lip pierced tomorrow. What a poser I am, huh?

Well at least I am according to the midget of a hairy old musician whom I without warning fell so helplessly for this summer. Yes, that e-mail I was waiting for arrived and yes, it led to further complications. So my plan of leaving for Germany free as a bird kinda failed. Darn. Well, I guess I'm free really but my mind keeps wondering off every time I hear someone speak American or I see someone walk in a certain way or this or that... But I guess that's what happens, some bit of your heart always stays behind when you leave someone, right?

Anyways, I'm doing my best to get over it all. And the guy in the piercing shop defo helped on that point - pretty hot! ^^

Ok so I was gonna say a lot more here but my Internet just crashed and I forgot half of it... but well I was gonna say that I have signed up for aerobics classes and have ban from eating sweets - hopefully I'll manage to compensate for all the beer I will be drinking in this very alcohol friendly town..!

Also, my flatmates (and so called friends, hrmpf!) are giving me shit for my taste in music, what's wrong with Refused??!

Anyways, if you understand Swedish you can check out the blog that I keep together with my flatmates:
And if you fancy reading some reviews and music related stuff go to

I'm gonna try and keep this space updated with juicy details too. That is if any such details appear.
Bis später!

/Bella x

The stressful menu of new beginnings

I am under the influence of a strong cocktail made of butterflies and worry, it is lingering in my veins and filling my being with disturbance.  

And I am not enjoying it.

There is only one detox on the market that can stabilize my intoxicated state of mind satisfactory: reassurance.

First of all, reassurance that my next careers move will work out.
I am starting a work placement at a magazine tomorrow which is exciting yet scary. I don't really know what to expect and if I should have prepared more than I have. But there is not much to do now, all I can do is throw myself in there and do my best I guess. I'm really looking forward to it but I just wish the first day would be over so that I knew what to expect from now on.

Now the search for reassurance could have stopped there but hey did you think I was gonna be that good? No.
Being me, I have managed to put myself in a situation where I am over-checking my inbox, only to find the same disappointing No new messages staring back at me over and over again. Yes, silly me put myself in the oh so familiar seat of waiting-for-him-to-reply and can't see a way out of it.

Because the longer it takes, the worse it gets and you start regretting what you wrote, even that you wrote at all. In fact, I don't even know that I cared if he would respond when I first wrote the message, but because he hasn't replied the wait is becoming more painful than I can stand.

And yes, I know I am being stupid, I mean all I need to do to put myself out of this stress is to stop worrying, stop caring.

But then I guess that that is what new beginnings is all about; high expectations and much anticipation always comes with a side (or in my case, main) of nervousness and if it didn't the dessert wouldn't taste as nice. All you can do is hope that turkey isn't on the menu.

Feel free to have a look at my other blog http://nordicflames.blogspot.com/ where you can find my reviews, thoughts and comments on the music that Rocks the North!

Stockholm Rocks

Looking back at my first blog here it's ironic to think that I thought my summer was going to end up very calm and boring. I feel like I haven't been sitting still for the entire time! The time I have spent in Stockholm has been pretty good though. In fact, I love this city!

Where else can you start your day by go shopping for CD's in the world's best music store, named Sound Pollution and located in beautiful Old Town, and continue it with a sunny walk trough town with your best friend, constantly enjoying a mind-blowing scenery of water and islands, stopping for bit of coffee and cake at Kafé 44 on Sveavägen after having passed by the hectic heart of the centre, Sergelplattan? In what other city do you continue your walk along Sveavägen only to meet someone you for a split second think you know but soon realise is Anders Fridén, singer of amazing In Flames (also, your baffled stare is met by a friendly smile and you feel like you've just melted to the ground)? And where but here do you finish your morning with going shopping for organic food in a nice and cheap food store around the corner only to continue to your friends lovely flat and make plans for your move to Berlin (whilst wondering why you are moving at all)?

Where, a week later do you go for a beer on a Sunday night at Bröderna Olssons on Folkungagatan to find that the DJ is a bassist from an old Swedish rock band and happens to know your second favourite band The Hellacopters personally? In what other place else do you end up discussing the band and going on a musical tour down Hellacopter-history until 2 am in the morning together with that old rock-star and also where do unfortunately all of your male friends that you share this evening with dress in the same outfit as yourself; jeans and a checked shirt?

Stockholm is a wonderful place during the summer. However I wouldn't mind if it moved from under the massive rain cloud that is covering it at the moment!!

Italian Observations.2

Oh and a quick add to my previous Italian observations: Mass-dance or organized dancing. Basically one person (often a 20-something girl with way too much energy) instructs a crowd on moves to Italian 90s pop-songs and so they all move in the same way while she cheers them on. We are talking involvement from people of all ages and genders although the majority of the crowd normally consists of middle age women and their 10 year old daughters whilst a smaller crowd watches. This may just be holiday resort behaviour because I didn't see anything like this in Rome. But maybe we should introduce this in Sweden; after all it's a good way of keeping warm. Now that's Saturday night entertainment for you! 

Italian Observations

I went Italy for two weeks and had a wonderful time full of amazing food, heavenly coffee, lots of sun and fine wine but I couldn't help but observe a few things that made me smile and I thought I would share them with you:

The T-shirts
Walking around in Italy I kept finding myself surprised at what people were wearing. And by that I don't mean the amazing fashion that Italy is know for world wide but the messages that could be read on t-shirts worn everywhere. I often found myself starleted, thinking I must have mistaken but once I had noticed a few, they were everywhere and the competition was on. Me and my sister were soon constantly trying to beat the other with more obscene t-shirts. Here are some of our favourite findings:

Sex expert - white text on black. Worn by 60 year old woman walking out from nice restaurang with friends in similar age. I think I am still in chock.

I am a winner, not a fighter - text covering the entire back of the t-shirt of a 20 something man. Just why?

RICH - text in gold on black. T-shirt worn by teenage boy. As if anyone is gonna believe you.

1969 - massive print on front of t-shirt worn by middle age rather round man. What was his intention with this t-shirt? What does 1969 mean to him? What is he trying to say with it? The questions are many.

... there are more to come here...

The lack of English
No one spoke English. Not even people my age. I took Italian at school for one year and that was 3 years ago but that was still the language that was spoken whenever I had a conversation with an Italian. I found this very sad, especially when me and my sister had found an indie beach club full of hot (!) men! Two sentence conversations don't really go very far, at least not when sober.

The touching of the crotch
Now I'm sorry but I have to bring this up.
I don't particularly fancy italian men, no offence but they're just not my type. So I don't tend to spend that much time looking at them and I especially don't spend any time looking at the area below their belts yet STILL I managed to almost every day spot a man who was scratching his lower parts seemingly completely unashamed at a public place. And it wasn't a case of a quick one finger in the pocket to sort his pants out, it was lenghty sessions worked out on the front of the trouser lasting for at least 5 secons and it was just.. gross! And it happened often and in different places and my sister admitted to having spotted this embarrasing behaviour too! I know that it's hot in Italy and I can understand that jeans can cause issues but please, go to the toilet or turn around or something!

Anyway, having left this behind us I shall leave you with a little treat:

The ice-cream

As many of you will know, the italian ice-cream is amazing. You will not be disappointed. And just like Starbucks print guidebooks on oh so environmentally friendly paper to inform their customers on how they can transform their coffee into a life changing experience, I shall give you my ultimate guide to how to make the most out of your italian ice-cream extravaganza:

1. You normally get to choose cone size, not the amount of ice cream flavours. But generally a piccolo will hold two flavours, a medio three and a giganti twenty.

2. Do not choose anything but a cone as the little buckets don't contain as much ice-cream.

3. Once you have made up your mind on what flavours you want to indulge in, make sure to stand close to the flavour you are most keen on. Standing by it means that when ice cream man comes to take your order, he will most probably start filling the cone with this flavour, meaning that you get most of it.

4. Always choose yogurt as one of your flavours even if this means picking a bigger size. Yogurt is the perfect ice cream flavour and goes with any other flavour, enhancing it. An italian ice cream without yogurt is just impossible.

As you can see I take my ice cream very seriously.

And oh how good it feels

Staying up all night and then going 4 hours by express train across the country to work at a festival in a town where I knew no one or nothing apart from the music of some of my favourite bands proved to be a great idea.

I got to meet some awesome people and see some amazing bands whilst guarding a gate for 4 hours, making sure only photographers with the right badge went into the photo pit and guarding the fence between the beer area and the normal crowd, the latter assignment turning out to be one of the most memorable moments of the whole weekend. Being the only girl running around collecting empty glasses and rocking to Cavalera Conspiracy between 2 fences surrounded by a massive crowd of drunken metalheads proved to be quite the ego-boost... but I was good and went home to my friend's house instead attending any of the many after parties I was invited to.

The following day was a day of waiting, not knowing if I was going to have to work or not (for a while I was written down for arranging In Flames' loge!) until I was told I could have the whole day off. I met up with a girl I had met online and her friend and we had a nice day in the sun watching Soilwork, Finntroll and The Marionettes. Later on we joined the ever growing crowd in the beer tent where I lost the girls but gained new friends whilst watching a pretty lame Nightwish.

The grand finale that night was of course the clash of Clutch on the Close Up stage and In Flames on the main one. Clutch were amazing for the 4 songs I watched them from the front of the crowd before I left for the headlining Swedish metal kings. However I had to drag my ass away from the festival midway through the set to meet my friends in town and as I was crossing the bridge over to Gothenburg city alone, with a heart beating like crazy and the cool breeze in my hair, In Flames started playing Alias and I felt happier than I had in a very long time.

In town we went to Sticky Fingers night club where I met up with a hot tattooed drummer from an up and coming hardcore rock band and had a bit of a chat whilst watching an amazing AC/DC tribute band. However after having been to the toilet and engaged in conversation with a supposed female Satyricon member for a bit too long I lost the guy and then got a text saying he had been thrown out for having been involved in a gang fight featuring him and his mates versus a certain motor cycle gang. Suddenly I was relieved that I was not with him but freaked out because my friend had left and I was on my own in a way too busy nightclub in a city far away from home. 

The following day was spent being hung-over as fuck in town, drinking lots of coffee and eating expensive but gorgeous food and then watching the European Cup finale, which shall for ever be ignored as if it never happened.

Monday morning I was headed homewards via a quick stop at my grandmother's when I got the news that a family member had died. It came completely out of the blue, it was horrible and it made seeing my old grandma feel even more important and good.

Back in Stockholm I had a week of drooling over CDs in Sound Pollution every time I got chance to and drinking beer with friends during warm and beautiful Stockholm summer nights. It's impossible not to fall in love with Stockholm at this time of the year and oh how good it feels.

 A meeting with the editor of the magazine I will be having my work placement at in a months time reassured me once more of how much I want to become a journalist, the month I'm going to spend there is going to kick ass!

After a day of working in a fascinating old lady's garden my week was finished off with a long anticipated night out with the girls and it was bloody awesome. Many cocktails and a very quick visit to a random party later we ended up at an indie club in central Stockholm. It was a night full of silly dancing, random conversations and visits to the men's loo (the line to ladies was just too long after 4 cocktails and 2 beers). I seem to recall talking to an English speaking guy who it turned out went to Hull University of all places and then finding the only metalhead in the building to share Metaltown memories and saliva with. When he suggested sex in a park I decided it was time to go home. Alone.

Today has been spent on facebook, making the most out of this community that quickly has taken over my life before leaving for internet-less Rome tomorrow morning, or rather tonight as my bus leaves at 2.58 am.
It may sound bad but I think many would agree with me when I say that 2 weeks without Internet is gonna hurt. I hope to find some kind of web-providing café at some point to check my exam results which are released next week though...

Until next time: ciao Bella!

Sweet old sleepy Sweden

After a spring full of uni-work, heart ache, a big move and a few pretty wild parties in Sheffield it is nice to be back home in Stockholm and just be able to relax , be it in a chair in the sun on the balcony overlooking the sea or strolling around in town looking at the overpriced summer sale.

I have so far met up with some dear old friends, gone for long catch-up walks, beers and coffees and am slowly settling down in the beautiful surrounding that Stockholm in bloom offers so generously. For a the moment it almost felt as if though I was being rocked to sleep in a fluffy dream of unemployment and endless amounts of time. However, knowing me, I wasn't able to let my life fall asleep that easily. 

So this weekend, or more like tomorrow morning at 4.45 am, I am travelling to Gothenburg on my own to volonteer at Metaltown, a 2 day festival starring acts such as In Flames, Killswitch Engage, Nightwish, Clutch, Monster Magnet, Converge, Bullet For My Valentine and Soilwork. (http://www.metaltown.se/) I will be staying at a friends house and am going to see my cousin for a coffee at some point but even after many friendly reassurances I can't help being a bit nervous about going on my own.

The festival is on Friday and Saturday and then I am staying an additional what I hope to be a nice and sunny (but is more likely to be cold and grey having seen the forecast) Sunday in Gothenburg before leaving for Vara for a quick visit to my grandma's. Back in Stockholm on the Tuesday I am hoping to spend a week seeing friends before going to Italy with my family for 2 weeks on the 7th of July.

So yes, what looked like a slow start to the summer has now become an eventful, yet still unemployed, one.

Not being in Sheffield feels wierd and I miss so many people so very much but having done this before, the moving to another country for a longer period of time, I feel confident that my friends will stick with me. Still, I can't wait to see them all again in a year's time of before that if they come to visit in Berlin, which is my next major step in life.

Because yes, in September, after a month long work placement at a Swedish magazine I will be moving to the capital of Germany together with my dear old partner in crime, Maria. We haven't sorted out any accommodation and I was feeling pretty confident about leaving it late, that was until my friend who is over there already said he was having major trouble finding anything but hostels... better start sorting that out.

And another thing that needs sorting out is the bag that I am taking to Gothenburg before going for dinner and movies with my girls in two hours (yes, we are watching Sex and the City and yes that will be the third time that I watch that film) so I better get started!

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