Leopard print shopping, baking and The Hills

Today was a good day.

I found out that I have one less exam than I though I did (score!) and even went for a quick shopping trip to Alexa. Had told myself only to look in cheap stores as I have no money in the world til April or so... wanted to get a dress for my friends 21st birthday party tomorrow but couldnt find anything. Realised once more how urgently I need to lose weight. Shit. Anyways, I bought a red lepoard print top and some socks at H&M, will have to do with what I have at home for the party, again. (Btw: I want these shoes but they have sold out, boohoo!) Have seriously not been shopping for I don't know how long and with most of my wardrobe being at home in Sweden and with what I have here being too small for me, it's pretty depressing.

Less depressing is that my journo projects are going well. Getting more and more nervous for my interview with The Haunted later in February but have also been scoring some more interviews and little jobs. Just finished an interview with Marionette which is up and running in Swedish metal online magazine Critical Mass, check it out and leave a comment if you wish :)

Oh yeah and we also baked lussebullar today, can't tell you why just yet.. :P

Still addicted to The Hills. Need to get sleep now as I am going to the doctors tomrrow morning before picking an old uni friend up and then PARTEY :D

Skinny bitches from The Hills


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