Illness, Veganism and Sober addiction

This is what the streets of Berlin looked like on the 1st of January 2009. People here sure know how to party.

A grey start. Having my sister visit over NYE was amazing and I now miss her like crazy. Since she left 2009 has been filled with illness and uniwork. .
Germany has turned into Winterwonderland where you never know under which bit of snow that you tread on more dog poo will appear. My cold which I've had since before Christmas has turned into a chest infection and I am at home instead of out with friends drinking wine. Around me everywhere people seem to be in a kind of grey mood. Even 65daysofstatic's latest update was rather depressing. Gotta love their alternative approach to press releases though:

So far I have kept to my New Years resolution: veganism. It's going really well actually! After having watched a few videos on youtube I feel motivated like never before. I don't need for any living being to sit in a cage all it's life for me.

Also, I have gotten myself a major crush on this one, can't stop playing it..possibly due to the video..gah!

And on the note of having started up this blog again which will be kept more updated this year, trust me, I shall now return to band interviewing and more msn conversation with T. Happy New Year everyone!


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