My face hurts

I got a piercing today, a stud under the middle of my lip.
The guy who did it was a massive rastafari dude with piercings and scarifications all over his face but he was really nice and calm so it was ok. It hurt but was over fairly quickly. My dear friend Lotta came into the acutal room with me, poor thing looked like she was gonna faint any minute!
The hottie from the reception came to have a look too, just as I was most nervous sitting in that torture chair. I tried to smile but I somehow doubt that the massive tool clung to my lips made me look very attractive at the time..darn! I managed to tell the piercing-guy I was single though when he said I should tell my boyfriend I coulndt kiss for a few days, hopefully he'll pass he message on ^^

Before getting the piercing done we went to sign up for gym classes. Then went shopping around Hackesher Markt, I almost bought a pair of black Carhartt jeans but stopped myself last minute. Had a look in Miss Sixty (which had no sale despite it having gone into liquidation), American Apparel, Converse, Adidas, We/Superlative Conspiracey, Paul Frank and some other cool but expensice places. Ended up buying a belt and a top from Made in Berlin. Came to the conclusion that I really need to lose some weight though. As in seriously, I do. It's not a good sign when you tell your friend this and they just look at you with pity and then give you a hug.

I'd like to look at this day as the day my new life began. Hm. New piercing, new diet, new (well, an existing one at least!)  workoutplan, new Bella. Let's see how long it lasts....


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