Italian Observations

I went Italy for two weeks and had a wonderful time full of amazing food, heavenly coffee, lots of sun and fine wine but I couldn't help but observe a few things that made me smile and I thought I would share them with you:

The T-shirts
Walking around in Italy I kept finding myself surprised at what people were wearing. And by that I don't mean the amazing fashion that Italy is know for world wide but the messages that could be read on t-shirts worn everywhere. I often found myself starleted, thinking I must have mistaken but once I had noticed a few, they were everywhere and the competition was on. Me and my sister were soon constantly trying to beat the other with more obscene t-shirts. Here are some of our favourite findings:

Sex expert - white text on black. Worn by 60 year old woman walking out from nice restaurang with friends in similar age. I think I am still in chock.

I am a winner, not a fighter - text covering the entire back of the t-shirt of a 20 something man. Just why?

RICH - text in gold on black. T-shirt worn by teenage boy. As if anyone is gonna believe you.

1969 - massive print on front of t-shirt worn by middle age rather round man. What was his intention with this t-shirt? What does 1969 mean to him? What is he trying to say with it? The questions are many.

... there are more to come here...

The lack of English
No one spoke English. Not even people my age. I took Italian at school for one year and that was 3 years ago but that was still the language that was spoken whenever I had a conversation with an Italian. I found this very sad, especially when me and my sister had found an indie beach club full of hot (!) men! Two sentence conversations don't really go very far, at least not when sober.

The touching of the crotch
Now I'm sorry but I have to bring this up.
I don't particularly fancy italian men, no offence but they're just not my type. So I don't tend to spend that much time looking at them and I especially don't spend any time looking at the area below their belts yet STILL I managed to almost every day spot a man who was scratching his lower parts seemingly completely unashamed at a public place. And it wasn't a case of a quick one finger in the pocket to sort his pants out, it was lenghty sessions worked out on the front of the trouser lasting for at least 5 secons and it was just.. gross! And it happened often and in different places and my sister admitted to having spotted this embarrasing behaviour too! I know that it's hot in Italy and I can understand that jeans can cause issues but please, go to the toilet or turn around or something!

Anyway, having left this behind us I shall leave you with a little treat:

The ice-cream

As many of you will know, the italian ice-cream is amazing. You will not be disappointed. And just like Starbucks print guidebooks on oh so environmentally friendly paper to inform their customers on how they can transform their coffee into a life changing experience, I shall give you my ultimate guide to how to make the most out of your italian ice-cream extravaganza:

1. You normally get to choose cone size, not the amount of ice cream flavours. But generally a piccolo will hold two flavours, a medio three and a giganti twenty.

2. Do not choose anything but a cone as the little buckets don't contain as much ice-cream.

3. Once you have made up your mind on what flavours you want to indulge in, make sure to stand close to the flavour you are most keen on. Standing by it means that when ice cream man comes to take your order, he will most probably start filling the cone with this flavour, meaning that you get most of it.

4. Always choose yogurt as one of your flavours even if this means picking a bigger size. Yogurt is the perfect ice cream flavour and goes with any other flavour, enhancing it. An italian ice cream without yogurt is just impossible.

As you can see I take my ice cream very seriously.

Postat av: Carlotta

That's why I love my country;-)

No, i'm just joking. It's a really strange country. We don't speak languages very well (i mean, I'm fond of english, but I'm conscious that in Italy we don't have the gift for languages, or, I mean, not just like as the other countries).

Secondly: the brand. You have no idea, but italians are obsessed by brands. Maybe because we have got the most important stylists;-); or probably 'cause there are many people who want to exaggerate; or to show how rich they are.

Rich is the abbreviation of the brand "John Richmond", it' really famous, in particular here in Italy.

I also agree with you, I hate people who are addicted to the practice: "The touching of the crotch".

It's really embarassing, in particular if you are talking with a guy who chats, while at the same time he's touching his balls.

I also agree with you for the flavours of the ice-cream. You have given a perfect picture of what the worst "behaviours" of Italians are.

However we are also extremely nice and funny;-)

isn't it?;-)

Puss o kram


2008-07-26 @ 17:32:17

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